Temporary or permanent solution? This is a frequent question that young couples have nowadays to satisfy their real estate needs. According to Land Registry data, flats lead the race with approximately 20% higher sales than houses.
Feb 14, 2017
Temporary or permanent solution? This is a frequent question that young couples have nowadays to satisfty their real estate needs. According to Land Registry data, flats lead the race with approximately 20% higher sales than houses.
There are many reasons flats are selling more frequent than houses like higher supply, lower prices and access to amenities and services.
We believe that a house will always be the dream for young couples. In the meantime, we are ready and always at your disposal to satisfy any housing needs you might have.
Whether is a flat or a house M. Residence Modern Agents will be able to provide you with the best properties available in the market and match your criteria.
Schedule a confidential conversation today to discuss your requirements at your leisure 22 26 15 16
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